Meet Darnell

Our Mascot.

Fun hats.

Unstoppable energy.

Inspiring the flock to laugh a little louder.

Meet our winged donkey mascot, Darnell.

mascot Darnell looking cool with sunglasses with hearts behind him
mascot cartoon donkey with wings

Humble Beginnings

Darnell was born.

Darnell was born from a client’s half-serious request for a donkey graphic to be added into their company platform. After reviewing the options, they decided not to choose Darnell.But Falkon couldn’t let him go—he was too full of personality and fun to be left behind…
mascot with Welcome Darnell sign

A New Mission

Darnell Gets His Wings.

Darnell found his true home with Falkon! We gave him wings and a mission to spread joy wherever he goes.Now, as our official mascot, Darnell embodies the heart and soul of Falkon—positive, playful, and unapologetically unique.

Check out his official staff bio

Arrow pointing right
mascot Darnell in giant mug of hot chocolate with santa hat and lights


Holiday Celebrations.

From the big holiday hitters like Halloween and Christmas to the underdogs like National Donut Day and Talk Like a Pirate Day, he celebrates them all with enthusiasm (and a fantastic hat).Darnell’s holiday spirit is contagious, proving that there’s always a reason to celebrate.
mascot Darnell working behind a desk

Bringing People Together

Enhancing Culture.

Darnell is the heart of Falkon’s culture, spreading joy, unity, and creativity. He reminds us to celebrate the good in every day and stay connected.He’s more than a mascot—he inspires mindfulness, health, and gratitude.
mascot Darnell dancing in a hula skirt

Get Out There!

Enjoying Some Down Time.

While we all take pride in the work we do and the positive impact we make through technology, Darnell encourages all of us to get out there every now and then, take some time off, explore, and try something new.
silohette of mascot Darnell dancing with other silohettes

Spreading Joy

All For Fun. Fun For All.

Darnell is all about creating moments of laughter and lightheartedness.All of us at Falkon believe life’s too short not to have fun, and Darnell makes sure everyone enjoys the ride along the way.
mascot Darnell as a stuffed animal and photo of Darnell on an ugly holiday sweater

What Will He Do Next

A Living Legend.

Members of the flock have created their own versions of ugly holiday sweaters (though Darnell would never be caught in anything ugly). We’ve even crafted a stuffed animal version of the winged donkey to celebrate new little Falkons and give office visitors a little head tilt.Darnell’s playful spirit has become contagious!
mascot Darnell checking his social media on a phone

More Fun Awaits

Follow His Adventures.

Catch Darnell across Falkon’s socials.